Every now and then I come back to using XCode for some reason or other.
And every time that this happens, I am once again amazed at just how bad it is in many ways, at least for C++ development.
My current bug-bear is the code auto-completion - when you start typing the name of a function or variable and it tries to jump in there and suggest something for you.
On the whole, the suggestions that it makes seem to have got a bit better since the last time I used it, and it seems to manage to make a suggestion in a reasonable amount of time (maybe that's just because I've got a MacPro now).
The interface for making the choice, however, is awful. The thing that's really annoying me is that there appears to be no way of having it pop up suggestions, but allowing you manual control over whether to accept a suggestion.
It seems that you either have to manually pop up the suggestion box (which I don't want to do - I always want it to suggest things), or you can have the box come up automatically, but as soon as you hit any key other than escape, the currently selected suggestion will get inserted. This is truly awful user interface, since I'd put the success rate for it's suggestions at 50% at best. What this means in practice is that it is endelessly inserting the wrong text, as I type quickly and often the suggestion box has come up, an insertion has been made, and it has gone away again - before I've even registered that it was there.
I really hope that I'm just being stupid, and that there's actually an option to make it put up the suggestion box, but only insert the suggestion if I press a particular key (e.g. Return). This is the way that Visual Assist works, and it's a lot more intuitive (not to mention a lot safer).