eee 901 Hackintosh Performance
February 19, 2009

After a few weeks playing with my eee 901 hackintosh, there’s no denying it, this machine is quite slow, and I seem to spend quite a bit of time watching the dreaded spinning rainbow. I’m running Leopard, and I’ve read various reports suggesting that Tiger is snappier, so I suppose that might be an option if you are prepared to go back to an earlier system (which I’m not).

In some cases the lack of performance seems slightly strange, and I wonder if there’s something a bit wrong at a driver or kernel level. Looking at Activity Monitor, the machine doesn’t often seem to be under major strain. I have two megs of ram, and have set virtual memory up to use the smaller, faster SSD partition, and it doesn’t look like there’s much paging going on. The SSD speed itself may be an issue, and I am planning to upgrade to a larger, faster drive at some point, so it will be interesting to see how that works.

Having said all this, it’s worth emphasizing that the machine is more than useable. A little bit of patience is required when starting or switching applications, and occasionally when a random stall occurs, but for the most part everything is fine - it’s not as if it struggles to keep up with my typing or anything like that.

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