elegant chaos
Neu 1.0.2 Released
December 18, 2010
I’m pleased to announce the release of Neu 1.0.2.
This update contains a number of small changes:
- Neu now handles the .neulicense file type. Double-clicking on a license file will automatically launch Neu and register the license.
- Neu now respects symbolic links in the path to the Templates folder, and for individual templates.
- Added Quit button to “Presence” preference when in “Stealth” mode, since the normal Quit menu item is unavailable.
- Added tooltips to the preferences panels. Added application name to preference window title.
- Window changes: added fades, increased the default size, made resizable,changed the buttons to a white-text-on-black-background style to match the windows.
- Updated sparkle and release notes URLs.
- Fixed old reference to Replicator in the Updating preferences panel.
- Updated the in-application Help to reflect the current state of the website.
- Changed the default Pages template to an iWork ‘08 version, and added a Numbers template (note that this will not affect you unless you throw away your existing templates folder, since these default templates are only used when Neu can’t find a templates folder).
- Fixed a bug in the build process which was bloating the size of the application.